Thursday, December 25, 2008

Who Dreamed of This??

As I get closer to 2009, I'm really trying to have a more positive outlook on life and to remember what the world used to look like through my rose-colored glasses. But since its still 2008 and there is yet another wave of the latest winter storm dumping buckets of snow on our property, I just have to say that neither my husband nor I are the kinds of people who ever, ever dreamed of a white Christmas.

I do know that the Rockies, the entire Pacific Northwest, Midwest, New England, Eastern seaboard, and even the south have been inundated with snow storms. All of which makes me seriously question the validity of global warming. Oh, I know, I know... I should now be referring to this phenomenon as climate change and that erratic weather patterns, such as we all are experiencing are a part of that. But come on... a major blizzard is brewing right outside my window. Not to mention that we have had not less than a foot of snow for nearly two weeks and have long since moved our cars to the top of the driveway and hiked in and out the entire time. Everytime I think I can actually deal with this reality, another storm hits, adding another 3-4" of new snow. And a few more inches of snow seems innocuous until you start adding it up... 4" on Friday, December 12; 6" on Saturday, December 13; a few more inches on Sunday, December 14; a little more snow on Monday, December 15; a little melting on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, December 16-18; another 5" on Friday, December 19; and another 6-7" on Saturday and Sunday, December 20 and 21; and in the past week enough snow and ice and melting and adding resulting in a grand total accumulation of something far exceeding the top of my kneecap. And another 2" as I write this.

I love Bing Crosby but I am pretty sure that I am not the person dreaming of a white Christmas EVER. The snowman I made on Monday is buried in the new snow that fell in the last couple days. How can that be festive? If you're dreaming of a white Christmas, come on over and take as much as you'd like!

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